GM Jean Robert Theodat

Country : USA


Grandmaster Jean Robert Theodat has spent nearly his entire life studying one form of the martial arts or another. He has taught and helped some of the best martial artists in Massachusetts who later became International champion. Jean Theodat has traveled all over the United States, Canada and Korea in his quest for knowledge. With over 40 years as a martial artist, his credits are many and too numerous to list. He holds black belt rank in four different styles (shoto-Kan Karate, Kaju-Kempo, Ten-Chi Kempo and Tae Kwon Do).

Here are some of his accomplishment in Martial Arts.
Jean Theodat has won numerous AAU Karate championships in
Massachusetts (4 times AAU Champion). Not included thousand of locals and
out of state tournaments he has won.

  • In 1975, Mr. Theodat was chosen to represent the United States in the world
    AAU Karate championship held in Los Angeles California.
  • 1976 started training in Tae Kwon Do under the leadership of Master J. Kim
  • 1978 Even though new to Tae Kwon Do, he fought the 1978 Tae Kwon Do
    National champion (Bob Philip) in his first fight and won by a large margin. He
    won Silver Medal Sparring division AAU Tae Kwon Do championship (Burlington
    Vermont). His classmate John Lee won the gold because the instructor did not
    want them to fight ; John was my senior as I was new in Tae Kwon Do.
  • 1978 Participated at National Tae Kwon Do championship held at Howard
    University Washington DC. Did well but did not place
  • 1978 Received competitive achievement award from the AmericanTae Kwon
    Do Association.
  • 1981 Received the Association Referee certificate AAU Tae Kwon Do Union
    (certificate #18A077).
  • 1983 Participated in National AAU Tae Kwon Do championship held at Howard
    University Washington DC. Again did extremely well but did not place.
  • 1983 Received Regional Referee certificate AAU Tae Kwon Do Union
    (certificate #83R009).
  • 1983 Received Gold Medal at the Massachusetts State Tae Kwon Do
    championship (Tuft University). State Champion form and fighting
  • 1980 -1983 Taught Tae Kwon Do At Saint LEO’s Church in Dorchester as a
    community service with the approval of Reverend Leandre Jeannot.
  • 1983 Taught Tae kwon Do at Inner City Tae Kwon Do in Dorchester under the
    direction of Mr. Abraham Madrey.
  • 1983 Received Certificate of Appreciation from the Junior Olympic at the
    Roxbury Community college, Massachusetts.
    *1984 Received Instructor Certificate from the American Martial Arts
    Association.(certificate# MA-841) Under the direction of Master Jin Hong of
    Providence Rhode Island.
  • 1984 1986 Opened Theodat Tae Kwon Do Center in Dorchester Mass. where
    he taught Tae kwon Do free to the inner city children.
  • 1985 Received Appreciation Award from New England Tae Kwon Do
    Championship held in Hartford Connecticut.
  • 1985 Received an Appreciation Award from the first Rhode Island College
    team fighting (Brown University under the direction of Master Jin R. Hong Rhode
    Island State President).
  • 1986 Received an Appreciation Award from the 2nd Annual Rhode Island
    Championship (Brown University).
  • 1987 Received an Appreciation Award from the 3rd Annual Rhode Island
    Championship (Brown University).
  • 1986-1989 Taught Tae Kwon Do at Saint LEO’s Church as a community
    service.(Dorchester MA) Approved by Father Leandre Jeannot.
  • 1991 Received Appreciation Award from the 15th Massachusetts State
    Championship held in Malden High school.
  • 1990-1991 Taught Tae Kwon Do at LENA PARK Community Development in
    Dorchester with the approval of Mr. Charles Syrkett Executive senior vice
    president of that institution.
  • 1990-2013 Chief instructor for BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY TAE KWON DO
  • 1992 Received an Appreciation Award from Daniel Dantus of Montreal Canada
    director of the West Island 1992 Tae Kwon Do championship.
  • 1990- 1996 Opened “Theodat Tae Kwon Do that became Elite Tae Kwon Do in
  • 1994 Director 1st. Brandeis University Elite Tae Kwon Do Championships.
  • 1995 Director 2nd Brandeis University Elite Tae Kwon Do Championships.
  • 1997-2004 Chief Instructor at Carrasco Tae Kwon Do Needham, MA
  • Presently teaching Tae Kwon Do at Brandeis University as part of a physical
    education class and chief instructor for Brandeis University Tae Kwon Do Club.
    Present rank in Tae Kwon Do: 7 Dan WTF 5037604.
  • Member of Elite Tae Kwon Do Florida/ Boston
  • Member of the Haitian-American Martial Art Association

Classmates in Martial arts:

Hanscy Duchard – Rene Laguerre – John Walton – Jim Walton – Rene Laguerre
– Hanscy Duchard – Nels Coq –Michael O’malley – Carlton Francis – Dajout
Eaton – Richard Grandburry – Ralph Ward – Quinton Robinson – John Lee –
William Polk – Michael Chang – Carl Younger – Sherwin Wheeler – Mark Bell –
Joe Rogan – Major Battle and many others.


Grand Master Norman N. Armstrong
Grand Master Jae Kim
Grand Master Kazumi Tabata (coach)
Grand Master Jong W. Park
Grand Master Jin R. Hong
Grand Master Myoung Koo Cho
Grand Master Moo Y. Lee
Grand Master Jung Ku

My Students:

Berlino Jn. Felix 6 time Massachusetts State Champion (police officer)
Vaden Scandelbery (police officer)
Olivier Farrache (Lawyer N.Y.)
Joelle Nazaire (Lawyer Georgia)
David Nazaire
Michelle Theodat
Jeanette Theodat
William Theodat
Eric Theodat
Pinchinat Mondelus
Gregory Bistoury
Joseph Pierre
Michael Abovsky Massachusetts State & Rhode Island State Champion
Daniel Kaplan (Ph. D) Massachusetts State champion
David Kang Massachusetts State Champion (National competitor 1995)
Timothy Wong (medical doctor) Massachusetts State Champion
Marjorie Etienne Massachusetts State Champion
Jessica Jeune Massachusetts State Champion
Andrew Jeune Massachusetts State Champion
Moo Young Lee Massachusetts State Champion (Junior)
Lateef O’Neal Massachusetts State Champion
Michael Abovsky Massachusetts State Champion
Max Durena Massachusetts State Champion
Jocenel Noel Massachusetts State Champion
Steven Pierre-Louis more than 15 time Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
Rhode Island, Maine, State Champion (USTU National Champion 2002 17yrs old
176lbs. division)
Steven Pierre-Louis National- International competitor : Korea, Canada,
Many, many others.

Non- Tae Kwon Do services

  • created the first computer Lab for the Haitian Muti-Service in Dorchester
    Massachusetts with equipment requested by me from the IBM Corporation.
  • Helped Doctor Nicole Prudent of Massachusetts with computers equipment from my Lab. to create the Organization “HAPHI” Haitian American Public Health
  • Helped feeding the less fortunate in Boston by delivering food around the Boston area using my own car.
  • President of the “MHSL” Massachusetts Haitian Soccer League (1989)
  • Helping Tae Kwon Do &; Karate athletes from Haiti, teaching seminars and
    donating equipment and food to the Haitian community.
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