Country : Cuba
President of PATU Dr. Dong Ja Yang and Cuban Taekwondo coaches and officials. CUBA then became a PATU member MEMBER
Cuba Taekwondo team that introduced WTF techniques in Russia , October 1990
First pin and logo of the Cuban Taekwondo Federation
First 4 Kukkiwon dan holders in Cuban Taekwondo history: Photo by Master Alberto Borjas
Cuban taekwondo coaches and multi Pan American Heavyweight Champion in the center ; Nelson Saenz Miller. Mexico D.F. 1989: Photo by Master Alberto Borjas
Fernando Jaramillo(Ecuador) with the coaches of the Cuban karate team that began on January 10, 1987: Photo by Master Alberto Borjas
Fernando Jaramillo with two Taekwondo athletes in January 1987:Photo by Master Alberto Borjas
Fernando Jaramillo with a group of his original students (August 1991) four from this group became the first Kukkiwon dan holders in Cuba. The exam was held a few days after this picture:Photo by Master Alberto Borjas